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The editors are pleased to invite submissions and inquiries from both established and emerging scholars of American art and related fields for all sections of our open-access journal. In general, Panorama publishes only original material that has not appeared elsewhere. All our content is reviewed; feature articles are double-anonymous peer reviewed, and all other content is either editor or guest editor reviewed. There are no submission or article publication charges, and all content is available on our site in full-text format free of charge, without embargo.

All article texts published in Panorama are distributed with a Creative Commons Noncommercial Attribution license (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license allows authors to retain the copyright to their work and grants users non-exclusive rights to share, copy, and/or redistribute the essay in any medium or format. Users may also adapt and/or build upon the article, as long as the original author and source are cited, and the use is for noncommercial purposes. Authors may also republish their material, with Panorama asking only for acknowledgement in the new source. Read the summary terms, or the full legal license code.

Permissions and fees for images and multimedia, when required, are secured directly through arrangement between Panorama’s contributors and the copyright holders. See Illustrations and Permissions Guidelines below.

We consider submissions from current AHAA and Panorama board members. Starting with issue 7.2 (June 2021), we acknowledge an author’s current board affiliation with AHAA or Panorama through an endnote. When projects or books reviewed in the journal are authored or curated by a current board member we likewise add a note.

All submissions (except for Talk Back) should be submitted through Panorama’s manuscript management system. Further guidelines for preparing submissions in each of Panorama’s various formats can be found below.

Watch “How to Publish with Panorama” on YouTube
See the slides from “How to Publish with Panorama”

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Article-length manuscripts should be 7,000 to 10,000 words in length (excluding captions and endnotes). The Executive Editors will determine, for each submission, whether it will advance into double-anonymous peer review. The peer review process generally takes about six to eight weeks. Each submission that undergoes peer review will either be accepted for publication, declined, or returned to the author for revision and/or resubmission. Contributors are asked to anonymize their submissions for reviewers.

Contingent on the recommendations of the reviewers, manuscripts accepted for publication will go through one to two rounds of revision with the executive editors, and then one to two rounds of copyediting, plus a final phase of proofreading. The amount of time this process requires varies greatly and depends primarily on the extent of revisions requested before publication. Substantive changes will be made only with the cooperation and approval of the author.

Required elements of Feature article submissions:

  1. 250-word abstract
  2. Article text in Microsoft Word document, prepared according to the guidelines below.
  3. Illustrations and caption list in Microsoft Word document (example). Small images are fine; if your manuscript is accepted, you will need to send large, high-quality images and provide documentation of permissions to reproduce.


In the Round sections are often derived from conference panels or roundtables and are proposed by guest or staff editors who solicit contributions. The length of all In the Round texts, as well as the number of accompanying images, will be determined by the editor and by the nature of the feature.

A complete In the Round manuscript submission packet consists of: 

  1. Article text in Microsoft Word document, prepared according to the guidelines below.
  2. A list of images with captions (example) to aid in production. 
  3. High-resolution images (300 dpi, or 3000 pixels wide, jpg or jpeg format).
  4. Documentation (in digital format) that worldwide permissions have been granted to reproduce images in Panorama.


Colloquium sections are proposed by guest or staff editors who solicit  brief polemical works often written in response to a question of relevance to the field. The length of all Colloquium texts will be determined by the editor and by the nature of the feature. 

A complete Colloquium submission packet consists of:

  1. Article text in Microsoft Word document, prepared according to the guidelines below
  2. At least one high-resolution image (300 dpi, or 3000 pixels wide, jpg format only).
  3. A list of images with captions (example) to aid in production.
  4. Documentation (in digital format) that worldwide permissions have been granted to reproduce any images in Panorama.


Research Notes should be 2,500–4,500 words in length (excluding captions and endnotes). Please limit the number of images to five.

Required elements of a Research Notes submission:

  1. 150-word abstract
  2. Article text in Microsoft Word document, prepared according to the guidelines below.
  3. A list of images with captions (example). Small images are fine; if your manuscript is accepted, you will need to send large, high-quality images and provide documentation of permissions to reproduce.

Direct inquiries to the Research Notes editors:

Oliver O'Donnell, University of California, Berkeley/ Hill-Stead Museum,
Vanessa Schulman, George Mason University,
Corey Piper, Chrysler Museum of Art,

The average book review should be 1,500 to 2000 words in length (including endnotes). Longer reviews may be considered, but interested authors must discuss this with the commissioning field editor before proceeding. 

Reviews are due by the date agreed upon between the contributor and the commissioning editor. Contributors unable to complete a review in this timeframe should let the commissioning editor know as soon as possible. 

Authors will be supplied with a complimentary copy of the book to be reviewed. Upon receipt of the book, please submit a confirmation email to your commissioning field editor. Panorama asks that you return any book you decide not to review so that it may be reassigned.

Direct inquiries to the Book Reviews editors:
Margaretta M. Lovell:
Michael Hartman, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth University,
Christa Noel Robbins, University of Virginia,

The average exhibition review should be 1,500 to 2000 words in length (including endnotes). Longer reviews may be considered, but authors interested in preparing a longer text must discuss this with the commissioning field editor before proceeding. Due to the brief format of Exhibition Reviews, notes are discouraged. 

Contributors must visit the exhibition that they will be reviewing, documenting their trip with notes and/or photographs of the installation. You may include up to three images for use in the review; it is appropriate for contributors to contact the exhibiting institution for press images. Press images and installation photos taken on site fall under the fair use doctrine and do not require any permissions. For all others, see our Information for Authors: Images and Multimedia document.

Direct inquiries to the Exhibition Reviews editors:
Adam Thomas,
Frederica Simmons,
Mary Soylu,

Digital Dialogues reviews born-digital resources, virtual initiatives, and data-driven scholarship in and concerning the field of American art history. 

A typical review-style Digital Dialogues submission is 1,500-2,000 words and includes:

  1. Article text in Microsoft Word document, prepared according to the guidelines below
  2. At least one high-resolution image (300 dpi, or 3000 pixels wide, jpg format only).
  3. A list of images with captions (example) to aid in production. Typical articles should not exceed 4 images. Upon submission acceptance, authors will be asked to provide high-resolution images with documentation of worldwide reproduction permissions.
  4. A credit line for the digital project. Authors should contact the creators of the project to determine this information, which will be displayed at the top of the article.

Digital Dialogues also captures conversations about the impact of digital content and communication across professional work in the field, in research, education, collections, curation, publishing, and activism. These shorter-form pieces (500-1,000 words) can take a more informal tone and should include one high-resolution image.

In addition to text submissions, we also encourage submissions in alternative formats and media (such as audio and video).

Direct inquiries to the Digital Dialogues Editors:
Tracy Stuber (
Jennifer Way  (

Panorama aims to be an open space for dialogue, to encourage underrepresented voices and viewpoints, and to grapple with timely questions, issues, and methods in the field of American art. Talk Back is an opportunity for readers to respond to specific questions, themes, or topics addressed in a particular Issue. Contributions should be less than 400 words, outline a particular connection to a previously published piece or section, be framed as letters to the Editor, and maintain a discursive, collegial tone. Publication of Talk Back contributions is at the discretion of the Editors. Published letters may be edited for mechanics and grammar.

Letters will be credited to the author and will not be published as “Anonymous,” unless there are legitimate concerns that warrant such a byline; such decisions will be made in consultation with the Editors. In all cases, current contact information should be provided, as the Editors may elect to contact the author. Text-only, publication-ready letters should be emailed to with the subject line Talk Back.

General Information

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  • All text should conform to Panorama’s Submissions Guidelines and Style Guide;  it should be double-spaced and in 12-point Arial font.
  • Text and notes should follow the format of the current edition of the Chicago Manual of Style
  • Notes should use Chicago’s "Notes and Bibliography" format (though we do not require a separate bibliography) and should appear at the end of the text.
  • In its initial appearance, each citation should be in its complete form; thereafter please use a shortened citation. Please consult Chicago's citation guide for more information.

Any article that will include images or multimedia must include a Caption List with Thumbnail Images in the original submission (example). This will allow editors and reviewers to envision the final article and will ultimately assist with production. Depending upon what section you are writing for and where you are in the process, it may be more appropriate to submit final, high-resolution images and any necessary copyright permissions at a later date. For the final manuscript, the author must provide any images as high-resolution digital files. As a general rule, image files should be 300 dpi and 3000 pixels wide, and submitted in jpg format only. Panorama can also accommodate certain audio and video media files, and authors are encouraged to incorporate these in their submissions when relevant. Contributors are responsible for determining whether formal permissions are required for the inclusion of images and multimedia; for securing permissions and paying fees, when necessary; and for providing appropriate attribution for publication. Contributors must provide documentation of permissions through the journal’s manuscript management system. Contributors should request non-exclusive English-language, worldwide digital publishing rights.

Complete instructions here.

Contributors should also note that many cultural institutions now offer free, open-access use of images from their collections. Resource list here. A subvention, paid to the author, may be available to offset the cost of reproduction permissions. Details available upon request.

Fig. 0. Artist, Title of Work, date. Medium, dimensions. Collection; required credit line. Photography credit.